The Diabetes Revolution Podcast
Type 2 Diabetes sucks. Especially when it's a struggle, and it's running (and ruining) your life. Dr. Sarah Townley, The Type 2 Diabetes Coach, created this podcast to inspire and empower people with Type 2 Diabetes to heal their bodies by addressing the root cause. This means working WITH your body instead of fighting with it. It also means cultivating a mindset that solves quitting, self-sabotage, and overeating. Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled and even reversed with lifestyle alone. This podcast answers all the questions you didn't get answered in the doctor's office so that you can stop depending on other people to feel better. You can feel better right now.
68 episodes
Is There Ever A Point When Reversing Diabetes Becomes Effortless
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes is hard work. And there's no shortcuts. But does it ever get easier? Is it even a possibility that, one day, it can feel effortless?Let's talk about what many of us are secretly hoping-...
Season 1
Episode 68
What You Can Do To Increase Insulin Sensitivity Today
In this episode, I present revelatory insights about where insulin resistance starts in the human body in a way that I have never described before.This is the power of understanding root cause. When we address a problem at the roo...
Season 1
Episode 67
How To Make Health A Habit
Your health is the sum total of your daily habits. It's those boring, repetitive decisions that compound to create the overall state of your health (and everything else truly). You know your bad habits that cost you what you reall...
Season 1
Episode 66
Why You Aren't Losing Weight
Losing body fat is part of the healing process of reversing type 2 diabetes, and is a helpful way to gauge progress over time. It can also be one of the most stubborn and frustrating parts of the journey of reversing type 2 diabet...
Season 1
Episode 65
How To Get Off Your Diabetes Medications
You are out there reversing your diabetes using the most powerful lifestyle strategies I teach here on this podcast, and you're wondering, "When do I call my doctor to see if I can stop my diabetes medications?"This podcast episode brea...
Season 1
Episode 64
Could You Have The Wrong Diagnosis?
Studies show up to 10% of people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes actually have LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults).And I seem to attract these people into my coaching practice! Today, I am sharing with...
Season 1
Episode 62
Who Do You Need To Be To Heal Yourself?
So many of us are asking, what do I need to do? In this modern world, we are running around doing, doing, doing with little consideration of who we are being.Being is everything. All doing comes from being. And, thus, ...
Season 1
Episode 61
Next Level Strategy - Why You Need To Build Muscle
Healthy muscle mass is your greatest asset to living a healthy, long life with plenty of energy and a sharp mind. For people with diabetes, it is highly strategic to acquire MORE of the thing that burns up blood glucose, even at rest.
Season 1
Episode 61
Is Self Care Selfish?
Many of us struggle to prioritize our own needs--we do it in both small ways and in big ways. We let others choose what we're having for dinner, and we avoid using our resources (time and money) to make our health a priority because we ...
Season 1
Episode 60
Should I Take Ozempic, Trulicity, or Mounjaro?
Everyone's doing it. My doctor wants me to do it. Should I?By now, almost every American has heard of Ozempic, Trulicity, or Mounjaro for their ability to help people lose weight. For people with type 2 diabete...
Season 1
Episode 59
How To Maintain Your Diabetes Reversal
Nobody wants temporary results, right? We want durable, lifelong freedom from Type 2 diabetes. Eventually, we all want to be asking the question, "How do I maintain my results once I am successful in reversing my diabetes?"&...
Season 1
Episode 58
Other Peoples' Opinions About Your Lifestyle
"You shouldn't be eating this way. It's dangerous.""This other way of eating is healthier.""Your food looks disgusting."Other peoples' opinions: yes, everyone has them. But, when they create doubt, fear, shame, or anger in...
Season 1
Episode 57
All The Ways To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
I rarely believe people who say there's only one way to do anything. From one client to the next, the plan that works to reverse type 2 diabetes is highly individualized.In this episode, I show you how to mix and match different s...
Season 1
Episode 56
Your Roadmap To Successfully Reversing Diabetes
"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine de Saint-ExupéryBuilding on what I taught you in the last podcast episode, I show you how to leverage the part of your brain that thinks strategically and knows about your future goals.<...
Season 1
Episode 55
Why You Lose Focus and Go Back To Old Habits
If you want to reverse your diabetes for the rest of your life, this is a lifelong journey. It's expected that at times you will lose focus or get distracted. You might slip back into old habits with food or get out of the routine o...
Season 1
Episode 54
How To Make Reversing Diabetes Sustainable
Nobody wants temporary results. We are interested in durable, sustainable success in reversing type 2 diabetes.How do we do that? By making the process feel good. This episode focuses on why this process has to...
Season 1
Episode 53
The Simplest Way To Understand Type 2 Diabetes
I love keeping it simple. Simple is powerful. This episode explains the root problem of type 2 diabetes in a way that is simple and powerful.When you see that type 2 diabetes is a disease of energy toxicity, the solution bec...
Season 1
Episode 52
When You're Doing Everything Right and It's Not Working
It doesn't feel fair. You are putting in so much effort, but you're not seeing the results you should be seeing by now. Why isn't it working for you? Because it should dammit.I've been here before...
Season 1
Episode 51
How To Use Your Blood Sugar Monitor To Make Decisions
Your blood sugar monitor is your access to information that can empower you to heal your body. That is not an exaggeration.But you must know what the numbers mean and then use the information to respond to your advantage.I...
Season 1
Episode 50
How To Stop In The Middle Of A Binge
There's a reason why Lay's slogan is "betcha can't eat just one." Anyone who is breaking up with junk food knows how difficult it can seem to enjoy these foods in moderation.Just one slice of pizza?Just one scoop of ice cr...
Season 1
Episode 49
How To Handle Vacations
Worried about blowing it on an upcoming trip? I got you.Vacations are a wonderful part of life. We all need planned time off to recreate and relax. However, vacations can be scary if you are learning to live a lifestyl...
Season 1
Episode 48
When You Think You Need To Lose Weight Fast
We have all had that moment where we freak out about an upcoming event that we think need to lose weight for. Maybe it's a beach vacation, a wedding, or a reunion.We feel desperate to lose the weight so that we can feel OK being s...
Season 1
Episode 47
Why Ketosis Is A Superpower
You may have heard that ketosis is dangerous. You may have been told that people with type 2 diabetes shouldn't be in ketosis. This is profoundly stupid advice. In this episode, I'm going to teach you why nutri...
Season 1
Episode 46
Blood Sugar Hacks That Will Change Your Life
We can all use a hack to help us win more and lose less.These tips and tricks will help you bring your sugars down faster, stop them from rising so high and so quickly, and give you better trends over time.It's hacks like these ...
Season 1
Episode 45